CILCC-2020 Online

An Overview of Language Technologies and Digital Humanities

In partnership with:

WoPATeC-2020. The fifth Workshop in Automated Text Processing and Corpus. From Chile.

More information on their website:


Initially, the 3rd International Congress of Computational and Corpus Linguistics had been scheduled to take place from 29 to 31 July, 2020 in Medellin, Colombia. For reasons beyond our control, this year the Congress is going online and will be postponed to October 21, 22 and 23, 2020.

Due to the imminent expansion of the coronavirus pandemics, the Organizing Committee came to the conclusion that it would not be possible to hold a face-to-face conference in July because a face-to-face event involves people gatherings and national and international trips, among other things. Therefore, considering the interest in the Congress by the academic community, we believe that CILCC-2020 can be a quality event in which all our goals can be met, but in a virtual way. It is important to make clear that the event will now be free for both attendees and speakers.

Computational and Corpus Linguistics has been booming and developing in our Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Colombia. Just in the past three years two important congresses were held in Colombia: the first in the city of Bogotá in 2017, by the Caro y Cuervo Institute; and the second, in 2018, by the University of Medellín; these congresses were preceded by the First Colombian Colloquium of Computational and Corpus Linguistics held in 2016, Universidad del Valle. On these occasions we had the opportunity to meet and discuss this topic with colleagues from Latin American countries and Spain and, in addition, there was the participation of experts from the Anglophone world.

For the year 2020, we still propose, in addition to the Computational and Corpus Linguistics, that the event also be opened to the field of Digital Humanities, since for this occasion we will have the collaboration of the University of Groningen and its Faculty of Arts.

We consider that celebrating the third CILCC online is a possibility to open up a space for science and academia in these dark times, since a good number of these kind of events has been postponed until the following year. In addition, we hope this option encourages many researchers and students who previously did not have the chance to participate in the event to submit their proposals and participate in the webinars. That is why, from the University of Antioquia and its faculties of Communications, Engineering and the School of Languages and the University of Groningen, we are very cordially inviting you to participate either with your attendance or with a proposal that take up one or more of the event topics.

The following list is not exhaustive, so we invite you to send papers that are related to any of the event’s five main topics.


Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing

Automatic translation
Systems modeling for natural language processing
Computer assisted Language Learning
Systems for automatic corpus tagging
Systems for speech recognition and generation

Corpus Linguistics

Online corpora for the study of human language
Constitution of oral or written corpus
Linguistic statistics from corpus

Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence

Information extraction
Sentimient Analysis

Digital Humanities

Computer science applied to the study of historical heritage
Computer science applied to the arts and humanities
Corpus linguistics and literature
Computational linguistics and digital humanities
Digital literacies

Demonstration of computer systems, prototypes and devices for Natural Language Processing, corpus analysis and Digital Humanities

Submission of abstracts

The proposal may be submitted either in Spanish or in English and should comply with the following characteristics:

  • Length: Maximum of three pages (including: title, abstract, keywords and bibliografy)
  • Format: Simple spacing without tabs. Margins of 2.5 upper, lower, left and right. No french indentation. No numbering of lines
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12
  • File format: PDF
  • The file sent may not include personal or contact information about the author

The EasyChair platform has been enabled for sending the file. But first, you must have or create an account on the platform.

Click on the image below and follow the instructions to fill out the receipt form or click here

Haga clic en el logotipo

Abstracts will be received until June 20th, 2020. All communication proposals will be evaluated and approved by the Scientific Committee of the Congress. The decision to accept or not accept the communication will be given after July 31st, 2020.

Important dates

Submission of abstracts: June 20th, 2020.
Acceptance notification: July 31st, 2020.
Registration process: As of August 1st, 2020.
Event date: October 21-23, 2020.

Registration Process


From now, participation in the 3rd CILCC Online is completely free, for both attendees and speakers.

Attendee Registration

Through the following link you can access the event registration as a participant. In this way, we will keep you informed of the news and the process to attend the event:

Keynote Speakers



We will invite speakers to submit a chapter or article for publication by an international publishing press (Q1 or Q2). Of course, publication of texts depends on quality and originality of your works, which will be reviewed and evaluated by an editorial team. Participating in the congress does not guarantee that your paper will be published.

Shortly, more information here


Information inquiries, mail:





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